Search engines; Yahoo and Google have successfully established their place in the cyberspace. They now play a big role in making a web site searchable and popular. One word in the search bar equals to million of web sites. To resolve the issue of sites fighting over keywords, a solution floated on the surface - search engine optimization, also known as SEO. Another issue emerged when people began putting videos on their sites, Yahoo and Google might not see the contents of the videos but it doesn't mean that they can't crawl onto them. And who said that SEO is not for videos? Actually SEO is very effective on videos as it is effective on texts.
When Youtube reached its peak, it became a module not only for entertainment but also for business purposes. Youtube is often indexed and ranked by Yahoo and Google meaning videos from Youtube are most likely to appear on the first page of the result page that's why people are now taking advantage of its popularity to advertise their sites and their products. With over 80 million videos being watched and posted everyday on Youtube, videos sharing same keywords can not prevented that's why the use of SEO is critically needed. And if you're an on-line marketer, whether you're a rookie or a veteran, this issue might give you headaches but don't worry there is help to back you up.
In marketing competition is constant, creativity is the main equalizer and also the key to be successful. If you have videos that will help to introduce your products or services make a habit of uploading and sharing them to video sharing sites like Youtube along with Mega Videos, Daily Motion, Vimeo and Metacafe some of which are indexed and ranked by Yahoo and Google. Upload your videos to these several sites to increase the possibility of them being seen by the potential customers and also consider adding different descriptions or titles for each video sharing sites. Optimization comes into play when you’re giving your videos titles and description; this is the prime place where you could establish the keywords.
Always remember that in SEO, keyword is everything. Consider spending time on deciding on the best keywords that will make your videos float. I have seen promotional videos that have catchy labels like, "never before seen", "exclusive", "first time in the world". Labels like these can get more views and later update the title to more relevant and searchable. Use tags intelligently, a set of unique tags on all of your video content; this will enable people to see more of your videos rather then clicking the related tab.
Being viral is the name of the game. Millions of people watch videos on the internet everyday and with millions of videos scattered on the cyberspace not all of them go viral by accident, it takes a lot of perseverance but it is always possible. Spread your videos everywhere; post them on social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Friendster and Bebo. Encourage your friends to watch the videos and share them or email the videos to them and encourage your team to do the same. Search for blogs that will find your videos interesting, some blogs allow you to post videos on the comment section. Create forums that will discuss the contents of your videos, you can have several accounts and start a conversation. You can also do this on video sharing sites, create several accounts and comment to your own videos and have a conversation with yourself. These methods can be time consuming but they are very effective.
Once a potential customer clicked the link that will navigate to your web site, it's a good thing to provide a text version or video transcript. A summary or a short bullet point breakdown of the video content is very helpful for the customers. It may take time doing this but it's worth it. Also provide a call to action in the video so that potential customers can have a direct call to purchase your products or a simple encouragement to visit your site for further information.
Check your success; track your video content with a tool like Tubemogul. Also, keeping tabs on the number of comments, ratings and views will help you see the progress of your videos. Measuring the success of your videos will help you to determine what actions that should be done to resolve some issues about your video content.
Your videos should always be informative and good enough to promote your products or services effectively. Always take advantage of the technology and be creative in making videos. Make your videos informative and entertaining so that people that are only checking your videos will turn into customers instantly.